The Colombian Master of Illusion, Santiago Alvarez


We’ve interviewed (and have written articles about) individuals who are well known; the popular and the famous. Sometimes, however, I write about people who are so talented that I can’t understand how they haven’t reached the level of recognition they so rightly deserve. One such individual is the subject of this article, Colombian artist and photographer Santiago Alvarez.

The first time that I saw his art on Instagram, I was floored. His work has two artistic elements that I have a deep appreciation for: fashion and the bizarre. He combines the two elements flawlessly. Some of his work is reasonably “normal”, I guess you could say. His other images, though, I find sensuous and surreal- perhaps even Kafkaesque in a way. When I say “sensual”, I mean it in the strictest sense of the word. Most people equate the term with eroticism or sex. While the women in these images are stunning, it’s their confidence and strength that shine through. They are elegant, fierce, and fabulous.

It’s really a shame that Santiago’s work isn’t hanging in some celebrity’s luxury condominium or in an art exhibit in Soho. The only way to see any of his work so far is on Instagram. He doesn’t even have a website as yet. I am, however, certain that this will all change soon enough.

You’re a photographer and an artist. Which of the two were you interested in first?

I always have been interested in art, so I guess, artist.

When you began your journey into art and photography, did you set out to make the kind of art you currently make, or did you start with something else?

I started destroying photos that I had done (laughter) in a good way. I have always liked experimenting with images.

Nearly all of your models are women, with Alejandro González Serrano being the only male model that I have seen thus far. Why do you prefer women as your subjects?

I prefer female models because in terms of contrasting with dark or obscure concepts I find them more interesting.

Each of your models seems to fit the specific theme of each image. What is the process like when choosing a model for your projects?

First is developing the concept of the project with my partner and then we choose the model according to this.

The first time that I looked at your artwork, I thought they were photographs digitally enhanced. The second time I looked, I couldn’t discern whether or not the accessories were real or not. Looking at your work today, I believe that they are all entirely digital images. Please tell me which one is correct.

Your observation is correct, at first we started with real styling in a 90% and now is the opposite the styling is 90% digital.

The way you’ve attired your models, says to me that you have a background in fashion. Would I be right in assuming that?

Moreless, I'm not into fashion very much, my partner instead loves fashion.

I’m aware that it is such a basic question that is asked of all photographers and artists, but your work demands an answer: where do your ideas come from?

The ideas are a mental and an observation construction in my case.

How long does it typically take for you to complete one of your creations?

They take about ten to fifteen days.

Is your studio strictly for you or do you rent it out to other photographers?

I do both, I use it for my own work and rent it to other people.

What is the art scene like in Colombia?

The art in Colombia, unfortunately, is not appreciated very much.

Where can one find your work? Have you taken part in any exhibits?

I show my work mainly on Instagram, I have not done physical exhibitions yet.

Tell the world what’s on your mind and what you intend to do next.

With my partner, we are working on something creepier than ever! (laughter)

Follow Santiago Alvarez on Instagram here and here. Follow on Facebook here.

Patrick Chappelle

Patrick is a neurodivergent feminist, socialist, provocateur, propagandist, and iconoclast. He is a journalist.

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